Tuesday, May 27, 2008
The Zimbabwe Guardian (London)
27 May 2008
Posted to the web 27 May 2008
Itayi Garande
THE current xenophobic attacks in South Africa are a bad reminder on the history of the country and the nature in which they are being carried out is very disturbing.
Young South Africans, between 16-25 years are killing 'foreigners' including Mozambicans, Zimbabweans, Nigerians and many others using methods alleged to have been employed by military men in the Rhodesian security forces and also employed during the Apartheid era.
One of the methods we saw used by these young people was necklacing (i.e. the burning to death of selected individuals, with the aid of inflammable liquid and/or motor tyres).
According to film maker and presenter (then reporting for South African Broadcasting Corporation) Max du Preez: "Between September 1984 and August 1989, 771 people were necklaced or doused with fuel and burnt to death. The myth perpetuated by the State then was that this was an example of African brutality. The truth we know now, is that this repulsive form of killing was first started by white Rhodesian security forces in the 1970s and then brought to South Africa by the security police. ..."
However, in 1997 SABC was found guilty of contravening the Broadcasting Code by the Broadcasting Complaints Commission of SA for publishing that statement.
This was after a complaint by a complaint by the Flame Lily Foundation -- "a non-profit organization ... run for Rhodesians by Rhodesians," according to its website.
Du Preez's statement was made after footage of a woman being burnt, stoned and kicked to death by a mob in South Africa was shown on SABC.
What is surprising is that the same method talked about then is now being used -- eleven years later by young people who were barely adults in 1984-89.
This method has been in existence for a long time in South Africa.
The practice was employed during disturbances in South Africa in the 1980s and 1990s, and was used against alleged criminals by "people's courts" established in black townships as a means of circumventing the apartheid judicial system.
'Necklacing' was also used to punish members of the black community who were perceived as collaborators with the apartheid regime. These included black policemen, town councillors and others, as well as their relatives and associates.
The practice was frequently carried out in the name of the African National Congress (ANC), although the ANC officially condemned the practice.
At the last ANC Congress we saw their youth drunk, aggressive and openly displaying firearms and read about the sexual harassment that went on.
We saw the young thugs heckle Mosioua Lekota -- South African South African Minister of Defence, who was imprisoned at Robben Island Prison for challenging Apartheid.
The linking of the current problems in South Africa should be done cautiously. These youths are not only manipulated by 'dark forces,' but are also impatient with the current pace at which wealth is being distributed in an 'independent' South Africa.
The pictures we see in South Africa today are not new. What is new, are the targets.
In 1985, we saw the pictures of Maki Skosana -- "Her body had been scorched by fire and some broken pieces of glass had been inserted into her vagina," according to an investigating committee.
"After having seen so many 'necklacings' on the news, it occurs to me that either many others were being performed (off camera as it were) and this was just the tip of the iceberg, or that the presence of the camera completed the last requirement, and acted as a catalyst in this terrible reaction," said photojournalist Kevin Carter in the mid-1980s.
Carter -- "one of the integrands of a group called the Bang-Bang Club, a group of four friends, photojournalists that dedicated themselves to exposing to the eyes of the world the brutal regime of the South African apartheid" -- later committed suicide two months after he received a Pulitzer Prize for Feature Photography; for a 'necklacing' photograph.
He was 33 years old and left a goodbye note:
"I am depressed ... without phone ... money for rent ... money for child support ... money for debts ... money!!! ... I am haunted by the vivid memories of killings & corpses & anger & pain ... of starving or wounded children, of trigger-happy madmen, often police, of killer executioners...I have gone to join Ken if I am that lucky."
See the heartbreaking picture gallery by investigative journalist De Wet Potgieter, writing for the Solidarity trade union's Helping Hand aid-society:
May 26 2008 -- An extensive campaign has been launched by trade union Solidarity to break through the silence which surrounds the growing poverty of many hundreds of thousands of white South Africans - mostly Afrikaners. They are poor not because they are lazy but because they are being denied all access to the labour market by the ANC-regime's racist laws.
The trade union movement launched the new information campaign to also highlight the fact that the ANC-government continues to ignore the fact that the Poor White Problem is now taking on crisis proportions.
They want to use this campaign not only to raise funds from the Afrikaner diaspora, but to also put pressure on the ANC-government to start helping these poor white communities on an equal basis to any other poor group in South Africa. By law, poor whites don't qualify for food-aid for instance -- only because they are whites. And this, Solidarity says, must change.
A multi-media website was launched this week, http://www.witarmoede.co.za/ which will continuously highlight the poor white problem with videos, radio-reports and a photogallery.
Solidarity 's own investigative journalist De Wet Potgieter has done most of the research and photography.
"Hopelessness and the constant knowledge that having to live on the streets is just around the corner, that's the life of poor white South Africans, said the fund's managing director Dirk Hermann. "These people all have one thing in common: their eyes are empty. They have an inherent pride but all hope has been taken away from them. And it's the hope which must be restored.'
Of course while the number of whites in SA is considerably less than other population groups, it's also a worrying fact that the number of poor white people has increased by 95% between 1996 to 2005 - a much faster growth-rate in poverty levels than for any other group in the country, he pointed out.
* The poverty increase during those seven years among black people was 13,7%, among mixed-race people by 17,3% and among the Indian population, 21%.
Solidarity also plans to raise funds among the white diaspora. At least a million young white people have already left South Africa -- and the Helping Hand hopes to that this diaspora will also start contributing to help in the survival and upliftment programmes for the poor whites of South Africa.http://www.witarmoedeco.za/
Monday, May 26, 2008
May 26, 2008 | From theTrumpet.com
Tensions erupting in Johannesburg reveal a much larger fault line running through Africa’s future. By Ron Fraser
One of the memories from a number of visits I made to South Africa during the time of the Mandela government is of two angry black men in a knife fight in broad daylight at the crossroads of a suburban street in Port Elizabeth. So much condemnation has been written about South Africa’s apartheid administrations in relation to the white attitudes to blacks that the endemic violence of black against black in that country seems to garner little attention by comparison.
Black-on-black violence in South Africa has long been a serious problem. The plain, historic, documented, undeniable, yet seldom-publicized facts on South African violence indicate that violence, bloodshed and political murder within that country has largely been perpetrated by black against black !In the four years that followed the un-banning of the anc, over 13,000 politically-motivated murders were perpetrated in South Africa largely by black against black. (You can read more about this history in our booklet South Africa in Prophecy.)
The Zulu, Xhosa and Sotho peoples, who make up over 60 percent of South Africa’s population, have never had a comfortable relationship with each other. And a huge influx of immigrants is adding to the already-endemic violence within South Africa’s ethnic black community.
Extra tension in South Africa’s black communities came when thousands of Mozambiquens were encouraged to enter and settle in South Africa prior to the government elections so as to stack the deck in favor of a anc/National Communist Party win as apartheid ended. Since then, over 2 million have fled poverty, deprivation and violence amid Robert Mugabe’s collapsing Zimbabwe in hopes of a better life in Africa’s richest country.
However, South Africa has become quite an admixture of demonstrably incompatible ethnic groups. The South African Department of Human Affairs estimates that more than 4 million people reside in South Africa illegally, but many believe the figure is far higher. As a result, the country has become a cocktail of black peoples awaiting boil over. And boil over it did in Johannesburg just over a week ago.
The week before last Thursday, the South African government sent troops into the streets of Johannesburg to quell violence that had been ongoing in the city since May 11. It’s not surprising that they had to resort to this action. By the time that President Mbeki was stirred to act, 42 lay dead, some having been “necklaced.” Employed by black-on-black in apartheid times, “necklacing” involves filling a car tire with petrol, then putting it around the neck of the victim and setting it ablaze.
The disturbances in Johannesburg stemmed from a series of attacks by native South Africans on black migrants from other African countries who had immigrated to the country, primarily from the ailing economies of neighboring Mozambique and Zimbabwe, desperate to seek work and food.
Some 28,000 people have been displaced by the violence, Hangwani Malaudzi, a spokesman for the Ministry of Safety and Security said. And more than 400 have been arrested for crimes ranging from murder, to causing a public disturbance. … The victims are mainly immigrants and refugees from other parts of Africa, including Zimbabwe, where a devastated economy has sent at least 2 million people across the border in search of a better life. … Inadequate housing, a lack of running water and electricity, the rising prices of food, and escalating crime—nearly 20,000 people were slain in South Africa last year—add to the resentment.
Coincident with the rioting in Johannesburg, outbreaks of violence also occurred in KwaZulu Natal and in Durban last week, where locals threatened Nigerian immigrants. By week’s end, the violence had even spread to Cape Town.
The country’s immigrants are largely illegal, and they place increased pressure on the already-stiff competition for jobs. They also impact the nation’s ailing infrastructure, combining to created a huge headache for the South African government, which has already proven its incompetence at maintaining basic utilities to a pre-apartheid level.
For instance, major power cuts have become a way of life in the country. The state electricity supplier, Eskom, has unsuccessfully lobbied the South African government to lift a government ban on building extra power stations to keep up with demand. The Mbeki government’s failure to lift the ban now leaves South Africa without sufficient power supply to meet existing—let alone future—needs, given that the lead time to build a major new power plant is eight years.
South Africa is fast becoming a mere shadow of what it was before the handover of government to the anc. As R.W. Johnson commented in the Guardian newspaper, “All other services work only spasmodically. Even now one faces, on a daily basis, non-working traffic lights, escalators, lifts, atms, shops and garage tills, let alone lights, hot water and cooked meals” (February 7).
Having noticed South Africa’s anc-controlled government quickly slip into an all-too-familiar mode, we wrote a few years ago: “Astute Africa-watchers experience a sense of déjà vu as they watch South Africa merge rapidly into the pattern set by many a post-independence government in the decolonized continent of Africa. They have memories of all of this having happened before in an often repeated but now familiar and well documented process, as former colonial powers handed control of whole nations over to former terrorists and self-serving socialist rabble-rousers” (South Africa in Prophecy).
Too many of Africa’s nations have descended into states of inter-tribal war, outright civil warfare, and even ethnic cleansing. Will the black-on-black violence that has recently erupted in South Africa sink into such a state?
This latest violence involving black against black comes hard on the heels of a double whammy just a few months ago related to government incompetence. “South Africa’s public morale has been shattered in the last month, first by Thabo Mbeki’s comprehensive defeat by Jacob Zuma’s coalition at the anc’s Polokwane conference, and then by the power cuts that brought the country’s entire mining sector to a halt. … On the one hand there is outrage and contempt for ‘the incompetence of black government’ and on the other, more sadly, a collapse in self-confidence about black government among many Africans. … Until now the anc has dismissed as mere white racism and ‘Afro-pessimism’ any view that the anc might behave no better than African nationalists elsewhere. But there’s really no arguing that something has gone very seriously wrong” (Guardian, op. cit.).
Seriously wrong indeed!
Faced with the twin problems of failing infrastructure and social divide, South Africa’s government is at risk of losing control of the country. The latest violence in South Africa’s cities indicates that the country is at risk of becoming a seething cauldron of ethnic division, threatening to boil over into epidemic violence that could spread nationwide.
At the handover of the nation from minority white to majority black rule, some predicted heightened bloodshed would result along black-white lines. Though that has happened to some degree, it is division within South Africa’s black communities that has resulted in the shedding of most blood. The events in Johannesburg and other South African cities over the past week are only too reminiscent of the condition into which so many African nations have descended since gaining their independence.
There is a solution to the seemingly insoluble problems faced not only by South Africa, but by the mass of humankind. That solution is revealed in our book The Incredible Human Potential. You need your own copy of that book. You need to read it, study it, and gain an understanding of the only true hope for the future of all races of mankind.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
And it's not the xenophobia. Africans on the continent have never liked one another. Rather it's the vehemence with which the "go home" message is being put across and the brutality that has accompanied it.
Ever since Europe's powers sat down in Berlin in 1884 to divide Africa among themselves, Africans have internalised the differences the Europeans foisted on them in their quest for empire and wealth.
When these powers deliberated, significant portions went to the French and the British. Smaller chunks went to the Portuguese, the Germans and the Spanish. It was arbitrary, never taking into account the differences and the similarities of the conquered. They were divided by new borders and new languages.
Even though Europe has now nominally left Africa, these differences fester on, and a free Africa remains acutely conscious of the boundaries that the colonial powers drew. Across the continent and, long after independence, these differences are replicated.
Robert Mugabe, referring to farm workers of Malawian and Zambian origin, railed against "totemless aliens" who were said to be supporting the Movement for Democratic Change. That was a bit sophisticated. Ordinary Zimbabweans had, for a long time, derisively called Malawians "mabrandaya" -- a corruption of the name of Malawi's commercial capital, Blantyre -- or simply "mabwidi", a particularly nasty word for foreigners that means an uncouth and uncultured person from Mozambique, Malawi or Zambia.
In Botswana, Tswanas have long discriminated against the Kalangas, a tribe that has roots in Zimbabwe, and against other foreigners, who are derisively called "motswaka".
Nigeria is Africa's most populous nation, boasting more than 200 tribes and, having the kind of diversity and numbers, one wants to believe, to better appreciate other nations. But there xenophobia reached its peak in 1983 when about a million foreigners were expelled and many lost their personal belongings. Perhaps the Nigerians were imitating Ugandan president Idi Amin who, in the early Seventies, expelled 80 000 Indians and seized their businesses. Most were given less than a day to leave and many lost their property.
This madness was not limited to the buffoonish Amin. In Zambia, a somewhat more sober Frederick Chiluba enacted a law stripping the country's founding leader Kenneth Kaunda of his citizenship because his father was Malawian-born. His grip on power weakening, Chiluba wanted to stop Kaunda from running for the presidency and even tried to have him deported.
Similarly in Côte d'Ivoire the much-lauded Ivorian philosophy saw the country broken apart between the north and the south. Although being Ivorian had been a celebration of the common heritage of all who lived in Côte d'Ivoire, it soon became a vehicle for xenophobia, mainly directed at "foreigners" of Malian and Burkinan origin. Before the elections in 2000, a law was enacted that disqualified Allasane Outtara, a northerner, from running as president because his parents had not been born in Côte d'Ivoire.
These examples from the rest of the continent are egregious because of the state's hand in persecuting foreigners, something the South African government, to its credit, has not done. But, the fact that the state has not taken part in the persecution of foreigners shouldn't be comforting, because the effect has been the same, if not worse: initially the state agencies that should maintain law and order were quite powerless as xenophobic mobs rampaged and pillaged.
One imagined that the people of Johannesburg, of all places, would know better. For decades motley crowds from Lilongwe, Lagos, Dar es Salaam and elsewhere have come and gone. Each of us, in our own way, have come and added a brick to this building and fetched mortar for that building. Something the hate-mongering mobs are determined to stop.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Umkhonto we Sizwe
- MK's History - 1961-1990
- Manifesto of Umkhonto we Sizwe - 1961
- Operation Mayibuye - Document found at Rivonia, 11 July 1963
- 'Capture the Citadel' - Broadcast to South Africa by O R Tambo on the 8th Anniversary of Umkhonto we Sizwe, 16 December 1969
- 'The Green Book' - Report of the Politico-Military Strategy Commission to the ANC National Executive Committee, August 1979
- 'Mobilise Our Black Power' - Statement by O R Tambo to the People of South Africa on the 10th Anniversary of Umkhonto we Sizwe, 16 December 1971
- ANC Signs the Geneva Protocols, 28 November 1980
- Statement by O R Tambo on Signing Declaration of Adherance to the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and Protocol 1 of 1977, Geneva, 28 November 1980
- Statement by O R Tambo on Death Sentence Passed on Three Members Umkhonto we Sizwe, Luanda, 20 August 1981
- O.R. Tambo interview with Mayibuye, 1 September 1981
- Message by O R Tambo to the People of South Africa on the 20th Anniversary of Umkhonto we Sizwe, 16 December 1981
- Statement by O R Tambo on the Twentieth Anniversary of Umkhonto we Sizwe, 17 December 1981
- Stuart Commission Report, March 1984. Report of the Commission of Enquiry into Recent Developments in the People's Republic of Angola -
- Umkhonto we Sizwe Military Code - June 1985
- 'The Wankie Campaign', by Chris Hani, Dawn: Journal of Umkhonto we Sizwe, Souvenir Issue, 1986
- 'Umkhonto we Sizwe - Born of the People': Statement of the NEC on the 25th Anniversary of the Formation of Umkhonto we Sizwe, 16 December 1986
- Message from the Prime Minister of India, Rajiv Gandhi, on the 25th Anniversary of Umkhonto we Sizwe, 16 December 1986
- Armed Struggle and Morogoro - Forward into the 1970s and '80s, London, 1987
- The Revolutionary Army. Discussion Article by Ronnie Kasrils, Sechaba, September 1988
- Resolution on MK Adopted at 48th National Conference, Durban, July 1991
- Skweyiya Commission Report, 1992. Report of the Commission of Enquiry into Complaints by Former ANC Prisoners and Detainees
- MK Statement on the Right-wing Attack on the World Trade Centre, 25 June 1993
- Joint Statement by MK, APLA, TDF and Venda Defence Force, 23 August 1993
- Nelson Mandela's Address to MK Conference, 3 September 1993
- MK / APLA Meeting, 22 September 1993
- ANC-MK Statement on the 32nd Anniversary Celebrations of MK, 13 December 1993
- List of ANC Members who Died in Exile, March 1960-December 1993
- Situation Affecting Integration of Umkhonto we Sizwe into New SANDF, 9 June 1994
- Absence of Some Former MK Cadres from Walmansthal, 2 November 1994
- Second Submisison to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, 12 May 1997
- Biographies of MK personnel
- Photo of MK Cadre
- Umkhonto we Sizwe Logo (large GIF)
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Before the "Glorious" take-over/Hi-Jack of the ANC in South-Africa- scenes like these were common....I mean- This is after all how the ANC trained their little monsters THEN how to spread anarchy. To-day- THAT same little monsters became BIG monsters.......still doing what they have been told by the terrorists pre '94.
The ironic part of this whole scenario- is that the Top, Prima Donna and Queen of the notorious Necklace Brigade- Winnie "Matchbox" Mandela- visited the beautiful "to-the-T" work of her own creation last week- asking for "forgivness" to illegal aliens for what her own spawn did!!!!
To add a cherrie to the cake- did the " Silent Diplomat" Mbeki- who were enjoyng little barbaric feasts of the killing of lots of own comrades at places like Quatro- call an "investigation" into the "Xenophobia."
Interesting- this whole Hoo-Haa about aliens being mezmirised- all while white farmers were killed by the hundreds- and not ONE word by the International comunity who now joins the "Xenophobic" choir- nor ONE term like "Xenophobia" used in the white killings- not even ONE sleazy ANC politician visiting a murder farm- saying "I'm Sorry!"Comes to show who this dark force called the ANC really is- and where their priorities lay.
One sentince to the ANC: You are a very sick psichopatic organisation that does not deserve even to breath the same air normal humans do- let alone "GOVERN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
See below how your OWN rubbish goes at work- and that SAME rubbish now on-the-move, are going to ring your DEATHBELL!!
Residents laugh as foreigner burns in his own blankets
As we made our way through the Ramaphosa squatter camp in Reiger Park on Gauteng's East Rand, a woman's words made us freeze in horror. "They are burning people down there," she said.
I ran to the nearest police officer and said: "The locals say they're burning a person at the other intersection."
Officers leapt into a Casspir and a Nyala, and drove through the debris and barricades in the road.
I ran after them, with other photographers following.
Two hundred metres down the road we found the first man. He had been severely beaten and was semi- conscious. Police thought he was dead, but later realised he wasn't.
About 25m from him a man was on his knees. There was a mattress covering him, and it was on fire.
He, too, was alight.
Police threw the mattress off him and kicked sand onto him to put out the flames. Another officer ran over with a fire extinguisher, pointed it at him and extinguished the flames. Other officers radioed for medical help.
The man was alive, but barely. He groaned, but he could not speak.
It was all over in 20 seconds.
There was a concrete pillar lying near him, splattered with blood. We can only imagine what was done to him before he was set alight.
The police stayed with him until the paramedics arrived, doing what they could But residents gathered at the scene were laughing.
Kim Ludbrook, a photographer, admonished them, and we reminded them this was human being and that what had happened was barbaric.
Still they laughed.
The burn victim, whose name has not been released, died last night in hospital.
Man 'necklaced' in Reiger Park as marauding gangs hunt down foreigners in the streets
Heavily armed police fought a ferocious battle across the greater Johannesburg area yesterday as xenophobia-related attacks spread like wildfire.
Since Friday, 12 people have been killed in attacks by rampaging South Africans trying to purge foreigners from informal settlements and central city districts in Johannesburg and the East Rand, following violence in the Alexandra and Diepsloot townships.
By late afternoon marauding gangs roved Johannesburg's streets setting alight shops owned by foreigners in Jeppestown, Cleveland and Malvern, and engaging in running battles with police. Earlier, mobs attacked foreigners in Hillbrow.
In perhaps the most vicious attack, a man was "necklaced" in Reiger Park on the East Rand.
Jody Kollapen, chairman of the Human Rights Commission, said such scenes were reminiscent of "the dark days of apartheid".
The HRC will meet today to discuss the violence.
One victim was a deaf mute who was attacked outside the Central Methodist Church in Johannesburg. Known only as "Tarro", the young man suffered a gash to his forehead at the hands of a mob.
Medical student Herbert Nedi tended to him and said the bewildered Tarro, who could only write his name and could not provide a surname, did not know what was happening around him.
"It was clear he did not have a clue what they [the mob] were talking about. He doesn't understand what is going on," said Nedi, as Tarro held a cloth to his head.
At the church, next to the Johannesburg High Court, the situation was on a knife edge as hundreds of Zimbabweans and other foreigners prepared for the worst.
They armed themselves with bricks, and a small police contingent had their work cut out as they vowed to protect themselves.
"Is this how you South Africans are going to treat foreigners when they come here for the World Cup?" asked one irate Zimbabwean, identifying himself only as Charles.
"This is a s**t country. It's a shame to the rest of the world that they are allowing the World Cup to take place here. South Africans seem to think that no one's life is precious."
David Mokone, 22, came to South Africa three weeks ago, seeking a job and a better life. The young man, tears welling in his eyes, sat outside the church as others scampered for weapons to defend themselves.
"It's better in my own country than it is here," he told The Times. "I would rather go back and die in Zimbabwe than be killed by South Africans," he said.
Tony Maara, 30, said: "I have never been more frightened. I didn't go to work on Saturday because I was threatened. The world must take note of what is happening here." His sentiments were echoed by 25- year-old Brian Burayai of Zimbabwe.
He said his brother was beaten up on Saturday when a group of Zulu-speaking men asked him if he knew the Zulu word for "elbow". When he could not answer, they started beating him.
"I thought I would be safe here because Mugabe is a serial killer. But these locals are just as bad," he said.
President Thabo Mbeki said a panel had been set up to look into xenophobic attacks.
ANC president Jacob Zuma, speaking in Pretoria also condemned the attacks, saying: "We cannot allow South Africa to be famous for xenophobia. We cannot be a xenophobic country."
In Jeppestown shop-owner Ntombi Mbokazi, 45, was in tears after thugs looted her clothing store.
She cried as cops ordered her off the street. "Help me. they have taken everything!" she protested, but the public-order police were only interested in containing the violence.
Throughout the day police sirens were heard across the city as police and Metro police raced from one scene to the next.
Armed with a shotgun, a police inspector in Cleveland said: "It's getting worse. This thing is like a wildfire; just when you think you've contained one area you hear its erupted again in another."
International aid organisation Medecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders) described the situation as an imminent humanitarian crisis.
Spokesman Eric Goemaere said the attacks were a crisis.
"I have been to many refugee camps and situations and this definitely is along those lines," he said.
The ANC government was warned!
Johannesburg - The Zimbabwe Exiles Forum (ZEF) warned the foreign and home affairs departments only a month ago that xenophobia in SA was getting out of control.
Kicking foreigners out of homes and chasing them out of townships, even cases of assault and murder, were common.
Hundreds of foreigners had been targeted in townships like Mamelodi, Soshanguve and Atteridgeville near Pretoria last month.
In the Western Cape, xenophobic attacks also made headlines last year. Scores of Somalis, Congolese and Zimbabweans felt the wrath of local residents.
"The pattern of incidents give the impression that these were not isolated events but systematic and co-ordinated," warned Gabriel Shumba, executive director of ZEF in April.
"The reaction of police is cause for growing concern, as they claim they are either too scared to respond or are even complicit".
Alexandra and Diepsloot north of Johannesburg were the latest areas to experience xenophobic violence. Some reports said the violence had spread to Boksburg, Tembisa and Thokoza.
ZEF programme director Ebbie Matsangaise said foreigners were given the blame for poverty and suffering found in SA's informal settlements and townships.
"Government has to start communicating better to make people aware of xenophobia and those council members who incite xenophobia have to be monitored".
She said the violence in Alexandra started at a community meeting attended by 200 people.
"These are unemployed people, they just lie about. The hate they carry in their hearts is like simmering pot - it can boil over at any moment and spread all over. That is what happened after that meeting".
"This is war!" said Methodist church Bishop Paul Verryn, calling for a state of emergency to be declared and the army's help called in.
Verryn's plea came on Sunday after gangs targeted immigrants at the church in continuing attacks fuelled by xenophobia.
At least 13 people have died, two by the necklace method, in attacks which have raged in Johannesburg's city centre and across the East Rand and West Rand.
An estimated 60 people were injured in the attacks, with attackers not sparing immigrants who were sheltering in the Central Methodist Church in the city centre.
Verryn said the police had warned on Saturday that they should expect an attack even on the Central Methodist Church.
Many Zimbabweans, Mozambicans, Ethiopians and Malawians have been regarding the church as a safe haven.
Armed themselves with bricks
The atmosphere was tense after immigrants were assaulted outside the church on Sunday afternoon.
Many immigrants armed themselves with bricks and feared the worst.
Verryn said that, as a church leader, he could not encourage violence, but it was difficult to preach his high ideals when his life was not under threat.
"It would be a howling shame, a disgrace on this nation if an attack was launched on this church."
"May God protect you," he said later to the immigrants.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Expropriation is the act of taking possession of an item of property from its owner in exchange for (little or no) compensation and irrespective of the wishes of the original owner.
Any property can be expropriated, meaning movable and immovable property and rights in connection therewith.
The Department has started on the business of reviewing the laws on expropriation which become matter of urgency after the ANC conference in Polokwane, with a workshop to be held on the 15th February 2008. This new act will replace or amend the current Expropriation Act, 63 of 1975 and several others.
There are many reasons for the change, one being that the current Act is a restrictive one in that it restricts the state to expropriate only "for public purpose". It does not comply with the Constitutional provision which states that the state can expropriate "in public interest". The new act will harmonize over 100 pieces of legislation empowering various state organs to expropriate.
Public purposes include any purpose connected with the administration of the provisions of any law by an organ of state. That's why Gautrain can expropriate your property, near and dear to your heart and in your family for ages.
Include that expropriation must be in the public interest, the scope of protected rights must be expanded and the alignment of payment of compensation with the provisions of the Constitution.
Section 35(3) of our Constitution requires the government to pay "just and equitable compensation". In practice that means market value. The amount of compensation to be paid shall not exceed the aggregate of the market value of the property and an amount to make good any actual financial loss. This is where the problem arises for many ordinary citizens.
Section 12(5)(c) of the Expropriation Act, 63 of 1975 states that if the value of your property has been enhanced in consequence of the use thereof in a manner which is unlawful, such enhancement shall not be taken into account.
This simply means that should you have converted your dilapidated barnyard (for which you had approved plans) into 4 luxury guest rooms which you rent out for a substantial extra income, you will not be compensated for the building costs thereof (only for the value of the dilapidated barnyard), the loss of rental income or the enhancement to the value of your property. SORRY
No, once you receive your notice, your property has already been expropriated and is compensation the only issue that remains. You can only stop the expropriation if the correct procedures were not followed.
Please ensure that all your improvements on your property (including swimming pools, patios, lapas and the like) have municipal approved plans – not doing so, might cost you very dearly in any possible expropriation process.
Elias Biryabarema, Monitor (Kampala), Feb. 7, 2007
Mr. Yoweri Museveni has a background of good education. A calm and well exposed man. Straight thinking and intelligent. His grasp of contemporary world affairs, including some quite complex stuff, is commendably firm.
For years he burned his young energies battling vile governments. Narrowly escaping death on occasions, he showed resolve, sacrifice, devotion to his people and a deep abhorrence for oppressive leadership. Sure. This man had no shortage of good qualities.
And yet, to the astonishment of history, Mr Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has still failed us. 20 years at nation building have produced incompetence so shocking that some think a psychopathic illiterate, Idi Amin, did better work.
Uganda has been fairly stable long enough. The conditions for an economic takeoff have been there for 20 years. Mr. Museveni has enjoyed generous goodwill from nearly all the world’s rich governments. Their largesse has poured in ceaselessly and in hefty amounts.
Uganda should have taken off. We haven’t. We’re stuck. And so is Tanzania, Sudan, Ethiopia, Mali, Ghana, Burkina Faso, Kenya, Eritrea, Malawi, Congo Republic and pretty much all of Black Africa, excluding the region’s sole economic power, South Africa. This led me to pose a question to myself: can Black people build prosperous societies?
Just about every reason-from slavery, colonialism, neo-colonialism to inequitable world trade rules-cited for the backwardness of Black African nations has been so debunked by time that it has now become necessary to look beyond the realm of such contemporary explanations. The maddening inertia of Black people and the mystical forces that keep tamping down our nations, in fact, seem to have their roots deep within us, not from without as has been argued for decades.
Just about everywhere you look, evidence abounds. Vietnam suffered a war of colonial conquest and it was eventually subdued by France in 1884. For almost a decade, it again fought a devastating independence war until France was vanquished in 1954. And then came the epic battle of 1965 to 1973 with US military and its allies, seeking to squelch the North Vietnamese communists.
When the guns fell silent with the withdrawal of US troops in 1973 and the eventual fall of Saigon in 1975, the Vietnamese toll stood at a horrifying three to four million. Diplomatically isolated, its economy shredded and its population maimed and traumatised on a scale unparalleled in any Black African nation (except DR Congo), Vietnam would seem to have no chance at success.
But just two and a half decades later, Vietnam is storming the world stage as an economic powerhouse. Its exports are flooding western nations; heavy and advanced manufacturing is thriving at a rapid pace. Its GDP, $258 billion, is having an average growth rate of 8%, the second highest in Asia after China. Europe had to put curbs on the country’s shoe exports after they nearly sunk much of the continent’s manufacturers.
According to a news report in New York Times on October 25, 2006, Vietnam now sells “nine times as much to Americans as it buys from there.” Since 1990, a space of 15 short years, Vietnam has pulled off one of the most stunning economic feats: reducing absolute poverty-World Bank standard: subsisting on $1 a day-from 51 to 8% of its population.
Back home here, the sort of wars and the scale of devastation that Uganda has suffered since independence can hardly be said to be as crippling as the cataclysm that struck Vietnam.
This is true for many of the Black African nations. But the difference is staggering. Vietnam’s economy is roaring. Sub Saharan Africa is dead stuck known more for: constant disease outbreaks, emergency food relief appeals, civil strive, genocide, chronic corruption, flimsy or nonexistent infrastructure, constitution breaches, state failure than anything else. This disgusting state of affairs after, according to an estimate by South Africa’s Brenthurst Foundation, a colossal $580 billion worth of donor money has been poured into the region since independence. Why have the Vietnamese overcome their historical setbacks and prospered while Black Africans stagnated or regressed?
Or if we may ask another question: why is it that White people prosper wherever they settle while Black people head for the opposite direction. The British crown started asserting its colonial rule over small territories on the continent of Australia in 1788, taking several decades before it brought all the areas into a unified Australian colony.
Throngs of Europeans emigrated en masse and settled there throughout the 1800s. These émigrés went ahead, starting from really little or nothing, and established one of the world’s economic and military powers that is Australia today. The history of New Zealand, the other White country in the Southern Hemisphere, is pretty much the same.
Now contrast these nations with Haiti, the only black nation outside of Africa. It gained independence in 1804. It’s near the US, the richest market on earth and Haiti has a coastline unlike other African nations whose landlocked status is blamed for their underdevelopment. And fine, it has had a fairly brutal past but nowhere near Vietnam’s horrors. But what have our Haitian brothers made of these generous natural advantages: it remains the most backward country in the Western hemisphere, bound up by privation, cyclical coups, spasms of mayhem and blood-thirsty gangs. At home and away, that’s your Black people!
In fact Haiti is perhaps just about the best that we can achieve in nation building. Ethiopia never had colonialism. It registered impressively high levels of literacy as early as 1970, a fact a friend of mine brought to my attention recently. It has a rich and widely shared cultural heritage, a common ancestry. This should have propelled Ethiopia but see the shameful portrait of hunger and disease that this country projects to the world.
And so, to go back to that question that I have been chewing over and over again of late: can Black People build prosperous societies; I firmly believe the answer is a sad NO.
The dumbfounding incompetence of President Museveni thus is not a failure of an individual. It’s a failure of a people: Black People. Museveni only rose and touched our low ceiling. The shamefully limited achievement of his “fundamental change” regime thus should be interpreted in this cruel context.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Ok- let's dig-up some facts - and I know there are more people that have a better insight than this- but let's work on a layman's point of view:
Where did the South-African blacks derived from? These blacks came originally from Northern/ Eastern Africa- where- due to much cross border invasions by bigger clans- was forced to flee further down South in order to survive. You get hundreds of black tribes all over Africa- and they do not seem to cope well with one onother- thus the reason for the everlasting wars that still ravage the continent. Now come the question: Who started "Apartheid"? Remember- this conflicts was rife even BEFORE the white so-called "racists" arrived! Good- now we see who started "Apartheid" in Africa prior to 1752, the Portugese-Italians and Spaniards.
Ok- THAT sorted out- now we come to the "slavery" issue: ANC and black racist columinists/Freedom Fighters/Activists- what the hell they call themselves- want to advocate that the "white" man started slavery. Ok- let's see. The black ethnic clans- as already stated above- was having a jolly good killing show BEFORE any white man set foot on African soil- and was rampaging, invading- and killing among each other like they still do to-day, normally the stronger faction killing all the men in the village- then taking their women, children, belongings and cattle as prizes- and the woman and children as slaves for the headman/king/Induna- or whatever he was called. So- who started "slavery" in Africa- THE BLACK INHABITANTS THEMSELVES! ( Sorry ANC misconceptionists)
Now we know who started "Apaathaaid" and slavery- let's look into their following ill ridden next propaganda item- " Settlers and Colonialists" in Africa. What happened when the "colonists" arrived in Africa....and what did they find? Reports by early missionaries portray a very poor and stone aged type of lifestile in Africa- the "cradle" of humankind- re the naturalists. Inhabitants were still living in pre-historic era tipe of clans- and by no means up to ANY Western standards, but lived like cavemen- in clans- with each doing their own little whatever.(Remember- the industrial revolution already took place in Europe at that time). Africa - at this stage- was busy with their own revolution- the survival revolution!
It was through the white intervention that blacks started to be introduced to a more civilised- if that could be achieved- way of living- and then medicine was introduced- also by the white man- to try to save the thousands of blacks that died from Malaria, Congo Fever, Typhoid- and other related illnesses. Black tribes- suffering from all kinds of deseases- flocked to the missionaries in order to help them with medicines, food- and shelter from bigger rivals.
With the white intervention- many "new" inventions from Europe- and other white countries- started to emerge in this dark and unthankful continent, and through THAT first intervention- the blacks to-day- with all their screaming, yelping- and racist attitudes- are using EVERY invention of the white man- even the T.V and other media related items they love so much to sow hate on. Not ONE single item in the world came from black inventors- and no-where there is a single country, ruled by blacks- that can be classified as First World! Even countries like Nigeria and Cote De Ivore- whith all their minerals- are using white invented machines to drive their economy. ( Don't forget that blacks had no value for any mineral product- untill the white man showed it to them)
Monetary systems and credit systems also are brainchilds of the white man- which Africa are using so gleefully up to to-day. As for the ANC- there is too much to talk about- the blogs are full of their corrupt murderous and racist way of ruling South-Africa. fact is- if they hate the "Settler/Boer" so much- why the hell is Thabo Mbeki and the ANC fatcats still recieving open heartedly donations from WHITE donators like Swede, Denmark and Canada? I mean- if you hate the white- tell these donators they must fly to hell- you will get your support from Africa- you don't need WHITE money- or money at all- THAT is a white man's invention! Africans trade with cattle. Mbeki must start to trade with African Catlle with neighboring countries if this is the case. ( Also Mbeki must get rid of his beautiful Airbus Aeroplane- that's a WHITE invention)
Why is it that blacks base their biggest success story - the Taxi industry- on WHITE inventions- like the Toyota/ Nissan vehicles invented by the white man? Why not use donkeys, mules- or oxen for the industry? If you hate the white man- do not use his racist invention!! Why is it that the ANC uses a WHITE invented T.V for their propaganda- and WHITE invented paper for their propaganda newspapers? Use the bark of a tree- rocks- or Papirus! Get rid of all the WHITE inventions like Cars, Stoves, Cellphones, DVD Players, Watches, Shoes, Western Style Houses, PC's, Monetary Systems, Electricity, Sewerage Systems, Watering Systems, Aeroplanes, Tar Roads, Communication Sustems, Banking Systems, Hospitals, Medicine, War Materials, Guns...and EVERY invention the bad whites brought to Africa.
Do not go to any white invented shopping mall, Cafe, Take Away, Cinema, Jewelry Shop, Bank- or whatever Western white invention blots this beautiful country. Stay AWAY from bad racist white areas- do not stand on street corners- asking the white racists for jobs, do not go to white industries seeking for jobs- those are WHITE inventions! ( This way the crime rate will drop like hell in one month) Remember- tje ANC advocate African reinnesance- the return to black roots..........so the ANC must take the lead and DO JUST THAT- without ANY white invention!
O Yea- remember to notify WHITE countries abroad to stop ALL food and MEDICINE programs all over Africa- Africa will look after herself (Once the Reinnesance dream take-off as planned) With this Reinnesance we expect that millions of black farmers will be ready to use black invented fertilizers to start farming in all earnest without the help of racist WHITE farmers to educate them in farming, and they will use only BLACK invented machines to cultivate the rich African soil! ( We can definitely expect a boom in the oxen and mule breeding industry I see for the fact that Bicycles are a white man's invention and taboe in Africa as well)
Hey- at least the culture will get a upliftment as well- seeing that radios will be taboe as well and the black singers will yet again fill their lost place next to the camp fires(electricity is a no-no)- again to sing old folk songs!
A simple question to the ANC racists- Why do you find BLACK squatter camps around WHITE towns- and not the other way around? Why does blacks always came to seek jobs in WHITE industries, farms and private homes- and not the other way around? Why is it that blacks always are fed by whites- and not Visa Versa"? If blacks hate whites so much- they should- according to logic- stay FAR away from these racists! Black ANC propaganda want it to believe that S.A was build on BLACK labour, and labourers was paid bad. NOBODY forced that black labourer to come and seek a job at WHITE man's land- and nobody FORCED him to accept that BAD pay- he did so himself, and as for the work- why even come to the white man for work if you so much hate him? Why not going to a black man for a job? Support Africans- NOT white settlers!
For the claim that Africans build this country- and want shares in all the bussinesses and farms they worked on: Thanx- I will go to-morrow and ask my boss a share of his company, because I worked for him a long time- and the company was also build on MY labour! As for Africans that was treated badly under Apartheid- and paid poorly: Hey- remember- it was a WHITE man's city they came to seek jobs at- NOBODY forced them to accept the salary pakage, and fact is that the company was a white man's, the money a white man's- the area a white man's- so- what the hell were they doing in the most hated white racist's place in the first place- why not starting their OWN city, companies- and infrastructure?
Africa has been- and will always be a cesspool of warmongers and corrupt dictators- and will NEVER be able to co-exist without their corrupt government officials, rebels- and hunger for power- from Nigeria, Burundi- Zimbabwe- right down to Kakkazania. The only thing that still holds this miserable country in check in a way- is the white remnants. Without them- the Xhosa Nostra ANC will be the first to be exterminated.....I can hear the distant sound of the Zulu Impis - polishing their spears ! ( Can you hear them too?)
The poor disillusioned ANC are under the impression they are the "rulers"- but silently forget that they are controlled by the WHITE liberal rulers overseas- pulling every one of Mbeki's little strings- just ask the Brittons...they will confirm. The Western world has got the ANC firmly on their payroll- and by the balls -in their pockets- mere puppets on a New World Order string- i.o.w cannonfodder. See- blacks are just NOT genatized to be masters- just labourers...it's just unfortunately a natural genetic thing!
Sorry to the pathetic liberals, Jews and fly-by-night ANC racists- your time is running out fast....faster than you think. ( Evidence that the glorious ANC is falling is the fact that the poor has been of a Mbeki now AGAIN tried his race card by blaming whites for the crisis in S.A...shame- poor looser!) - the white nation endured enough of your corrupt attacks, slanting, degredation, humilation and murders- you had us demoralized for a couple of years- but now we are slowly in the process of standing up- a giant in the awakening- and busy to prepare for the final battle according to the prophecies- a battle you ARE going to loose very surely! You are too much living out your self inducted lie- the lie that the boer will never rise again. This, the farm attacks and murders, all your Affirmative Action tricks, land grabs, racism, the war you waged against the boer in order to try to exterminate him - and the fact that you are too arrogant and power hungry made you blind to the reality- the reality that you made a deadly foe- a foe that endured a lot of hardships through the ages- and was NEVER defeated- not even by the most powerful nation on earth .
Yes- THAT is what the African propagandists fail to add to their hollering for a black Africa- they simply cannot do ANYTHING without piggy-backing their dreams on the WHITE man's back. The simple reason- Africa are CONSUMERS- not INVENTORS or PRODUCERS!
To the liberals and Africans- put this in your pipe and smoke it! If the white man should leave Africa- the whole of the continent will be back in the Dark Ages in 20 years- empty- because they will first consume and destroy everything the white man created- then try to be productive for their own needs- then starting to wage war against each other like befor the whites arrived- and then be back to the Neanderthal way of living.
If the ANC and propagandists want whites out of Africa- please do not forget to send that SAME request to the thousands of black Africans living in the various WHITE countries abroad - to return to Africa- and LEAVE their lavish lifestiles they currently must endure under bad WHITE rule abroad - to return and help Dark Africa in creating the glorious African Mbeki Reinnesance. ( I do believe the American Afro's are NOT going to join you- the WHITE bad racist man was too good for the likes of Oprah Winfrey, Jesse Jackson, Obama, Will Smith, Tina Turner, Whitney Houston and others! ( Please do not forget to send a courrier- not a fax, sms, e-mail or telephone cal- white invention you know- to all the black African refugees that flee their war torned countries- not to seek assylum from a WHITE country, jump a ship to a white country- or to emmigrate to a white country)
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Violent Crime in SA - The reasons
I maintain that the violent crime in SA against whites is actively encouraged, endorsed, supported and perpetuated by the ANC terrorist regime as nothing less than retribution for apartheid.
The senior ANC terrorists are as complicit in each and every atrocity committed against the white minority as their free-agents on the ground who are clearly perpetrating such atrocities on expressed or implied instruction from the ANC terrorist hierarchy as part of the broader, ongoing strategy of the genocide of whites which has been cunningly disguised by liberals as crime.
This is not crime, it is a suburban war and a genocide against the white minority in South Africa.
This is furthermore not a government. They display absolutely no characteristics of the definition of the Government of a nation. They possess no competency, no moral standards, no human rights values and no ability.
The ANC is nothing but an illegal, terrorist regime comprised of opportunist thieves, murderers, liars, rapists and career criminals; every last one of which is a consummate coward with only one agenda and that is his own self-enrichment at the expense of the terminally infantile and unbelievably dumb general black population.
Unfortunately for these terrorists, whites have historically stood in the way of their avarice and greed and any white person anywhere is a threat to not only the exposure of their lies, deceit, hypocrisy and corruption but small groups of organised whites will oust them in any structure, be it government or corporate management. As such the ANC terrorist regime will stop at nothing to reduce the white population in SA to neglible numbers or total extinction.
I posted the following article on the original SAS but feel it is worth re-visiting if only to maintain our perspective of just what is possibly behind the situation in SA.
One of the most frequently asked questions at the moment is why the violence in SA? Why do these criminal swine have to resort to extreme and prolonged violence in the perpetration of what is usually a petty crime like the theft of a cell phone and a few household belongings – nothing of which could ever be worth a human life?
The answers are clear. This is a country that after the release of Nelson Mandela and the build up to “democratic” elections was birthed with electioneering slogans and chants that actively and unequivocally called for the slaughter of white South Africans.
How else is one to understand the meaning of “ONE SETTLER ONE BULLET” and “KILL THE BOER – KILL THE FARMER”?
These chants were the platform upon which was constructed the ANC rise to power in SA and formed part of their campaign to rally support – it was a word-of-mouth undertaking throughout the entire black population of South Africa that whites were to be slaughtered after the “Liberation” of South Africa on a piecemeal protracted basis in the exact manner that we see taking place in South Africa at this precise moment.
We do not exactly have the most sophisticated electorate on the planet – which African country does – and the question has to be asked, how would an unsophisticated electorate respond to the continuous brainwashing that white people have robbed them of everything they ever had or could have had and that white people are the cause of all ills that they, their ancestors and their descendants had, have, are, or are ever going to experience?
For that answer we need only to open the daily newspapers in any city in SA on any given day and read the endless litany of violent crime being perpetrated in SA to arrive at the no-brainer that violent crime is the end product of ongoing propaganda by the ANC terrorist regime continually telling black people to exact revenge on white people for Apartheid (Read, ANC Govt. failure to deliver on election promises.) Indoctrinating the population in SA in this manner has been the most effective political accomplishment of the ANC terrorist regime with the most brutal outcome. The rest of the world, absolutely incapable of fathoming the rudimentary workings of the indigenous African mind are at a loss and white South Africans at as much of a loss as to understanding why the violence.
However, after some thoughtful consideration, further answers become easily apparent. We are dealing with a race that for the entire history of its existence has not developed or evolved in the same way as most of the world’s other races have. They have no written history prior to this being recorded by white people a few hundred years ago and this fact in itself challenges the exclusivity that South African blacks claim to this country at the exclusion of everybody else, particularly whites.We are dealing with a race that is infinitely fragmented into tribal and ethnic divisions, sub divisions, languages, dialects and others defining separatist mechanisms that makes defining them as simply as “Black People” outrageously simplistic and myopic if any effort is to be made to understand the absolute inability of these people to contribute anything constructive or positive to humanity.We are dealing with a race of people that for whatever history is apparent of their existence have shown us that they have lived in as close proximity to their other splinter tribes and ethnic kin as geography, hostilities and speed of travel provided for.
There was no economic activity other than that if one black tribe or group required anything that they could not or would not grow or make, they simply went over the plains to another black tribe and murdered, raped, pillaged and plundered them, took their belongings and livestock and burned down their dwellings before disappearing.
It is this same culture of entitlement and absolute lack of any economic evolution by indigenous black Africans that still manifests today as violent crime in modern societies all over the planet. It is a congenital peculiarity of blacks that no amount of integration into western societies will eradicate. It may refine their congenital predisposition to violent crime a little to give the illusion of similar levels of sophistication as western societies, but will never eradicate it. This is amply evidenced by people like Mugabe who wears a suit, is by Western standards eminently civilized and educated with SEVEN university degrees – look what he did to Zimbabwe for all his western style sophistication and education – exactly what his ancestors have done throughout their history. By way of a deeply ingrained culture of entitlement, he has plundered, murdered and pillaged to acquire what he wanted because he simply knows no other way despite his westernization. Mugabe incidentally, has refined the culture of entitlement to such a degree and with such cunning that he has actually made a mockery of Western Governments and their leaders.
That is all these people know and this is all they will ever do. It is the reason that they were colonized in the first place and the reason they will be colonized again. Black Africa will be colonized again and this time, having been exposed as a murderous liability no matter where they put down their roots, their new colonizers are not going to be the benevolent kindly BOERS that they are killing daily. This time their colonizers will be a race of people that can currently put 200 million armed soldiers into the field at any time and THEIR approach to violent crime is simple – a bullet to the back of the head and the bill therefore to the criminals kin.
In the meantime white South Africans are being slaughtered like pigs in an orgy of retribution by way of permanent penance for Apartheid – a system that was implemented precisely to preserve white people from the attentions of these savages that we see today – but has been twisted by the international bleeding hearts society to be perceived as a diabolical mechanism for persecuting blacks. Opponents of apartheid by way of their voluble opposition, sanctions etc, etc. have shown that what they understood of Apartheid was that white South Africans could only function if some perverse desire to see blacks squirming, dying and being humiliated on a daily basis was assuaged sufficiently for them to be able to build the South Africa that the ANC inherited, took credit for and then proceeded to destroy.
Never has the thought been given by these bleeding hearts to the possibility that the implementation of Apartheid was an act of survival by white South Africans to isolate them from the attentions of blacks that we see currently in a form and on a scale that by any definition can only be labeled a Genocide of whites in SA. A genocide that has been cunningly planned all along by the ANC and equally as cunningly executed. A genocide that is being justified by apartheid and the victims thereof dismissed as acceptable losses for redressing “Past Injustices”. A genocide that is explained away as crime. A genocide that the ANC government fully approves of, fully encourages, fully supports and fully endorses by its absolute refusal to do anything about violent crime against whites in South Africa. It is a genocide the agenda of which is clearly apparent to any thinking person without the odd loose cannon black giving it away at a “youth rally” at which the call was made to black youths to “Go and steal from whites because they stole from us…”
This is the kind of indoctrination that generations of black youths have been subjected to to such an extent that they see little merit in applying any personal effort or endeavour into acquiring anything that their “leaders” are telling the they can simply take from white people and if it involves killing the white pig all the better – remember “KILL THE BOER KILL THE FARMER”
They don’t have to go to “Youth Rallies” to be told this, it’s all they hear all the time because it is an ongoing part of the indoctrination strategy that the ANC has inherited from the communists and implemented with absolute results.
What the idiots haven’t figured out yet is what they are going to do when all the whites have been slaughtered or driven out of South Africa and every last possession of white people has been plundered and destroyed. The answer is equally as clear – they turn on themselves and before long the beautiful country that whites built is reduced to rubble and is just another African civil war zone – until the Chinese neo-colonizers move in.
In the meantime law abiding, unarmed, productive white South Africans are slaughtered without the immediate realization that for every white life gratuitously snuffed out hundreds of blacks will ultimately end up starving and dying in the years to follow.
And when things in the “Liberated” country get unbearable because the economy has collapsed the “Free” blacks invade the very countries from where their “Oppressors” originated and go and perpetuate their culture of entitlement there.
So to all those bleeding hearts countries gleefully clapping their hands and laughing “Serves you right for Apartheid” (isolating yourself from black on white hate crimes); take note of who the perpetrators are in your cozy countries of unrest, riots, civil disobedience, murder, rape and robbery. I’ll put my money on it that it’s usually a black African…..
The dramatic events leading to the collapse of the Black homeland government of Bophuthatswana in March 1994 also saw the AWB deploy for the first time a large number of Wenkommando members in a conventional conflict situation. The Bophuthatswana conflict also saw the final parting of the ways between the AWB and General Constand Viljoen and his supporters.
The Bophuthatswana government had consistently refused to take part in the April 1994 multi-racial elections, and when this boycott was formally endorsed by the Bophuthatswana cabinet, ANC supporting mobs took to the streets of Mmbabatho and Mafeking, the two main towns in the homeland, demanding that the nominally independent state be reincorporated into South Africa. The protest soon turned into a full blown riot and then into a popular uprising against that homeland's president, Lucas Mangope.
On 9 March the unrest situation in Bophuthatswana had reached critical proportions, and on that day Mangope made a personal telephone call appeal for help to the AWB leader in Ventersdorp. Terre'Blanche and some of his general staff then rushed through to Pretoria where an AVF executive meeting was held, and at which it was decided to send in an armed force to try and stabilise the Mangope government. Viljoen was at that stage still part of the AVF's executive, and was a party to this decision.
The AWB generals were then allowed to use the AVF telephones to issue call up instructions to their immediate junior officers, and in this way a mobilisation call was sent out. It was claimed later that the right wing radio station, Radio Pretoria (set up to the East of Pretoria) had issued AWB call up instructions, but this was not true. All that station did was to announce in its news bulletins that the AWB had called up its members to help Bophuthatswana.
Viljoen and his followers in the meanwhile mobilised their own "armed wing" - the Boere Krisis Aksie (Farmer's Crisis Action - the same people who had been involved in the 1991 attack on the squatters at Goedgevonden) and ordered them into Bophuthatswana as well. After arriving in the homeland, the AWB forces were deployed in the White residential areas of Mmbabatho, where they were given a friendly reception by the White inhabitants, who had started to fear the rampant lawlessness and looting that was taking place in the centre of that town. The AWB forces were deployed under the command of one of the Wenkommando generals from Natal, Nic Fourie.
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AWB Wenkommando members drive into Bophuthatswana. |
It was however during this first night that things started to go wrong. Terre'Blanche, who had moved into Bophuthatswana along with his forces (which eventually totalled approximately 750 men, as opposed to the 350 men who made up the BKA faction), was asked by the commander of the Bophuthatswana army, General Jack Turner, to see him urgently at the latter's head quarters. This Terre'Blanche did, where he was told by Turner that the Bophuthatswana Minister of Foreign Affairs, Rowan Cronje, had asked that Terre'Blanche and the AWB immediately leave the country.
Terre'Blanche spoke to Cronje, telling him that he had spoken personally with Mangope earlier that same day, and the homeland leader had asked for help. Turner then also told Terre'Blanche that Viljoen and the then serving head of the South African army, General George Meiring, had visited the territory some four days previously, touring together in a helicopter. This news of course made Terre'Blanche highly suspicious of Viljoen's motives, particularly in the light of the latter's registration to take part in the elections some six days earlier. As Terre'Blanche later asked Turner, why would Viljoen, who had already decided to take part in the election, go and help Mangope, who did not want to take part in the election?
Terre'Blanche was further asked to move his forces to the Bophuthatswana air force base just outside Mmbabatho - a move he made against the advice of AWB General Nick Fourie. The BKA forces had already started to arrive at the base when the AWB contingent moved in. It was however clear that large numbers of the homeland's army and police units had sided with the ANC backed uprising and were hostile to the right wings' presence in the territory.
The AWB and AVF men had been promised weapons from the armoury at the Bophuthatswana air force base just to the west of Mmbabatho - but when they got there they were informed by General Jack Turner that the armoury was virtually empty, having apparently been ransacked earlier by Bophuthatswana security forces who had switched sides.
At the air force base it was made very clear to Terre'Blanche, by both Rowan Cronje and representatives of the BKA, that he in his person and the AWB in general were not welcome. Terre'Blanche then decided to leave, saying that he would go back to Ventersdorp. The AWB contingent could decide whether to stay or not by themselves - even after a further stipulation was added that they had to remove all AWB insignia (which they did, except for the senior officers).
Terre'Blanche however went to the home of a supporter in Mmbabatho, and remained in radio contact with his senior generals still at the air force base.
After Terre'Blanche's departure, Viljoen's appointed commander, Colonel Jan Breytenbach, formerly of the infamous 32 Battalion in South West Africa, arrived to take control. He made no secret of his dislike for the AWB, and was involved in a particularly nasty altercation with AWB General Nick Fourie, which only just stopped short of the two men physically assaulting each other.
According to AWB sources after the incident, Breytenbach also told Fourie that the AWB forces would get none of the available petrol or stores under his control at the air force base. Faced with no logistical backup, no food and no petrol, the AWB contingent then decided to leave the homeland, as it is was obvious that Mangope was no longer in control of the government.
The AWB men formed a new convoy and left the air force base, and accompanied by one Bophuthatswana army vehicle, sped through Mmbabatho on their way to the border. However, the Bophuthatswana army unit led the convoy on a route through the city in which no fewer than four ambushes had been set.
In each of the cases the attackers were members of the Bophuthatswana Defence Force who had gone over to the ANC backed uprising. Although they were well armed with automatic weapons (R4 and R5 rifles) 40 mm mortars and armoured vehicles, they did not manage to kill any AWB men in these fire fights- and later SABC radio reported that over 50 Bophuthatswana soldiers had been killed and over 300 wounded by the AWB forces.
The fact that there were no AWB casualties during these ambushes was regarded by the AWB as nothing short of a miracle- the men were mostly riding on open pick up vans, armed only with handguns and light hunting rifles, while their attackers were heavily armed. Several AWB men were seriously injured when their vehicles were literally shot to pieces underneath them, but they all recovered from their wounds.
Somehow one vehicle was separated from the convoy - it is said that they turned off in search of petrol, but the truth will never be known as all the participants are dead - and it was this lone vehicle which was to become the focus of world attention at that time.
The vehicle in question was a blue Mercedes being driven by AWB Colonel Alwyn Wolfaardt, and had as its passengers AWB General Nick Fourie and Veldkornet (Field Cornet) Fanie Uys.
As the vehicle was travelling all alone down the road directly in front of the main Mmbabatho police station, it was riddled with gunfire from Bophuthatswana troops in and around two armoured personnel carriers standing outside the police station. The withering gunfire managed to bring the Mercedes to a halt.
Inside, AWB General Fourie had been hit in the neck, and was already unconscious. Next to him Wolfaardt had been hit in the arm and in the back seat Uys had been hit in the leg.
In the full view of foreign and local television cameras, the two conscious men managed to open the car doors, push the dying Nic Fourie out onto the road, and then themselves crawled out next to the car.
The Bophuthatswana police then placed them under arrest, taking away their weapons, but strangely not trying to remove them or to give them medical aid. In a bizarre interlude the men lay there for about twenty minutes, while the press conducted interviews with the two conscious men. Not one of the pressmen present lifted a finger to try and help the men, even thought Wolfaardt and Uys requested them to do so many times.
(This was in sharp contrast to another scene, also in Mmbabatho, where journalists had given first aid to wounded Black civilians).
Then, still in full view of the cameras, a Bophuthatswana policeman, armed with a R4 automatic rifle, ran up to where the wounded men were lying and gunned them down in cold blood. It was this cold blooded execution, far away from where the actual fire fights had taken place, which was misrepresented by the local and international media as the AWB forces being "defeated" in Bophuthatswana. This myth has persisted, even though it is palpably untrue.
AWB Men are Gunned Down in Cold Blood by a Black Policeman, Bophuthatswana, 1994. |
Above and below: AWB Colonel Alwyn Wolfaardt raises his hand as Veldkornet (Field Cornet) Fanie Uys slumps out of the rear door, over the body of the critically wounded AWB General Nick Fourie. All three had been caught in an ambush set up by ANC supporters in Bophuthatswana. |
Below: Ontlametse Menyatsoe, a Bophuthatswana policeman, opens fire and murders the critically wounded and unarmed AWB men as they lay prostrate on the ground. Menyatsoe was later given amnesty for these murders by the politically biased "Truth and Reconciliation" Commission set up by the ANC government. |
The BKA unit then withdrew later that day, also running into several ambushes along the way. A little known fact is that a further two AWB men who were with that unit, including another Field Cornet Francois Janse van Rensburg, were killed during the AVF withdrawal. Several others were wounded during further ambushes on the BKA convoy.
Journalists and ANC aligned spokesman later alleged that AWB men had shortly after the murder of the three men, gone on a shooting spree in Bophuthatswana, shooting looters and Black passers-by alike. Although it was never finally proven who had shot the civilians, at least 60 died, either in cross fire or as combatants in one way or another - this being in addition to the 50 soldiers allegedly killed by the AWB contingent in earlier fire fights.
There is however no evidence to indicate that the AWB force did go about randomly shooting Black civilians - and indeed several instances have been recorded where AWB men actually saved Black civilians who were serving Bophuthatswana government officials, from being killed by mobs of ANC supporters.
One of the most notable of such actions was undertaken by AWB General Roelf Jordaan from Ladybrand. While he and his hastily mobilised force were outside Mmbabatho on their way to the air force base, they were flagged down by a Black civilian, who turned out to be the Bophuthatswana Minister of Agriculture. He informed Jordaan and his men that an ANC mob had attacked his house, setting it on fire. He and his wife had managed to flee, but his 15 year old son had been lost in the chaos. He had however later been able to track his son down by telephone.
His son had informed him that he was sheltering in a house several kilometres away and that an ANC mob was busy searching all the houses, and would soon reach the one in which he was hiding.
Jordaan and AWB brigadier Leon van Deventer from the AWB's Kalahari Wenkommando then put together a small force of AWB men in five pick ups and raced to the house where the youth was hiding. By a combination of stealth and bravado, they managed to take the youth away from under the noses of the rioting ANC mob. They returned the youth to his relieved parents and then proceeded on to the air force base - an example of where some AWB men actually put their lives at risk for Black civilians. Incidents such as these do not support the media generated image of rampaging AWB men shooting at all and sundry.
On a military level, the operation was not a success, but the fault for this was the failure on the part of the Bophuthatswana Defence Force to provide the necessary logistical support and armoured personnel carriers as had been promised, and for the fact that a large number of army units switched support to the ANC backed uprising before the right wingers arrived in the country.
However, the portrayal of the operation as the "AWB being routed" is also not true - the facts were that the AWB went in and then left again after encountering a hostile reception from the BKA section in Mmbabatho. The AWB forces did not leave after being "defeated" by the Bophuthatswana army, as the media alleged, and in fact in the few incidents where fire fights took place, the casualty figures show that the AWB force acquitted themselves well in the face of far superior firepower.
The interesting contradiction raised by Terre'Blanche - why would Viljoen, who was going to take part in the election, want to help Mangope, who did not want to take part in the election, can only be explained by the intention of the Bophuthatswana government to hold a full sitting of its parliament the week following its downfall. This session of the Bophuthatswana parliament would have in all likelihood have reversed the decision to stay out of the elections, and Mangope and his supporters would have then been able to enter the election in their own right.
Viljoen was in all likelihood aware of this, and his motivation in going in try and stabilise Mangope was to enable him to take part in the election. The AWB of course went in to Bophuthatswana with the intention of stabilising Mangope - but intending to keep him out of the election. The AWB's presence in the homeland must have then come as an unwelcome surprise for the Viljoen faction.
All whites has to be erradicated from all levels in the country, whether it is financially, schooling, sports, work- you call it- whites are eliminated and excluded by force. The ANC has their "Diplomatic" terms for it- Affirmative action, BEE, Quotas, Equity acts, Land Distribution, etc, etc- but their bottom goal is to clean Africa from whites! Hundreds of aliens are welcome to work, stay- and vote in SA- so long they do not appear in their WHITE pajamas- otherwise- they are free to enter and get all the royalties SA can offer. White citizens in SA can only get ONE royalty the regime has to offer: The royalty of leaving SA!
Uncanny -isn't it: The ANC- mostly aliens themselves- are now alienating true SA citizens- and claiming the country belongs to THEM ( Sounds very much parasitic to me)
This Blog also want to show the world what type and caliber our so-called "government" really are- the thievery, banality, corruption, denails, communism, witch hunts, racism, hate speeches agains whites, "don't care" attitudes, gravy train riding, cliques , lavish money spending, exauburant salaries and many more attrocities under the banner of "Democracy."
Never in the history of this country- was there such an esculation of crime, corruption and "high profile"-if you can attach that term- arrests as when this corrupt regime took over.
Since the ANC international supported hi-jack of SA- everything falls apart- and are in shambles: The Defence Force, Education, Medical sector, Police Force, City Councels, Airports, Borders...and about everything that is being run by an ANC deligate. Now the ONE unit that actually made a success- The Scorpions- are to be dismantled because too many ANC "comrades" are caught for corruption- and sent to jail, where they belong. Zuma and his corruption with Shabir Sheik- after he just-just missed jail for rape, and Mbeki and the top clique for having a couple of front companies where millions of rands are swooping through.
We also remembered the Scorpions zeroing-in on other top criminals like Jackie Selebe (So-Called Police Commisioner), The Parliamentary Flygate bunch, Crooked Toni Yengeni (M.E.C), Mantho Tshabalala Msimang and her ex-Botswana corruption history when she ran away, Pnuel Maduna and the millions of litres of oil he sold and deposit the takings in ANC accounts, Nkosana Zuma and the cool 50 million donated for AIDS she squandered, The Vice president and her 40 thousand she spent on a luxury holiday from taxpayer's funds and so-on and so-on. The list just keep on growing. NOW you know why the elite unit HAS to be stopped- otherwise SA will sit without a government by the end of 2008...all back in jail where most came from!! We will not even go down in history as far as '94 when other criminal ANC "high-ups" like Winnie "Necklace" Mandella and her "soccer team" rattled the ANC beloved liberal world with the Stompie Sepei murder- one she did not even go to jail for- and her thousands of rands of debt!
We do not even talk of Mr. Robert McBride of the Mangoo's Bar bomb slaugter- who was found guilty- sat 3 wonderful years in prison, became Mbeki's attache in Chille- and now SECURITY CHIEF- again in court for "Marxist" tipe of rule in the councel, corruption- and drunk while driving. One of these days there will be more ANC top-hats in jail that common criminals!! Now the Scorpions are dismantled for doing their job too good- instead of the whole ANC parliament being fired!!!
Currently- SA is being run by Lethuli house, The millions of unions, the Communist Party, thousands of ANC affiliated "Groups & Leagues- and the top ANC clique.
SA has three unconditional laws since the ANC took hold of our system:
Thus the reason why capital punishment was abolished by the ruling regime- they were too scared that should the death penalty stay- most of their comrades would've been wiped out- it is a natural common way of life in Africa. If something stands in your way of progress- be a natural warrior- and kill it. Young Africans are taught to rape virgins to cure themselves from aids. You can't steal- you just take what you want/need. Nothing wrong in participating in the above three catogories, because all blacks have "Ubuntu"(Goodness) in them- so- you have no evil in you.(That is reserved for whites.)
We hope that those 'Free the ANC" liberal movements and past as well as current donators will open their eyes to the horrible reality in S.A- not only are S.A whites slaughered- but also white tourists from YOUR countries. Please wake-up- and stop your donations to this ruling racist regime.
If you are still unsure of the situation- please do what you are so good at: Send in the camera troops unnoticed for- say 3 weeks (Just tell them to hold on tight to their cameras, equipment and cellphones)....and see for yourself the deterrioration of a country that once was a leader in many technologies. You murdered our country for your own personal gain- so, if you have any concious left- stop this bullying non-functional government now! Remember- this is not SA anymore....THIS IS NOW GANGLAND, and we are ruled by the norm of this new system- Crime, corruption, murder, rape....and o- I forgot- GOVERNMENT DENAIL AT ALL TIMES!
End of an Era
The first-hand testimony by former combatants of Umkhonto we Sizwe (MK) about the cruel ANC prison regime are an event in South African history. Never before has such concentrated factual evidence been presented about the inner nature of the ANC and its eminence grise, the South African Communist Party.
- If people wish to understand the current operation of the ANC/SACP, they must look here:
- http://www.revolutionary-history.co.uk/supplem/Hirson/Quadro.html
The ANC/SACP did a very good job in preventing public knowledge of its secret history from emerging. Those who survived the Gulag system of the ANC/SACP did so knowing that to reveal what they had been through meant re-arrest, renewed tortures and in all probability, death. They had to sign a form committing them to silence!
KGB-directed torture chambers led to suicides...
These ex-detainces in Nairobi have revealed that other prisoners, including Leon Madakeni, star of the South African film Wanaka, as well as Nomhlanhla Makhuba and another person known as Mark, committed suicide rather than suffer re-arrest at the hands of their KGB-trained guardians. Madakeni drove a tractor up a steep incline in Angola, put it into neutral and died as it somersaulted down the hill ...
- The ex-guerrillas in Nairobi displayed immense courage in speaking out publicly - their courage might have contributed to secure the lives of eight colleagues who had fled Tanzania through Malawi hoping to reach South Africa on the principle that better a South African jail than the ANC 'security.'
- This group, including two leaders of the mutiny in the ANC camps in Angola in 1984, arrived in South Africa in April, were immediately detained at Jan Smuts Airport by the security police for interrogation, and then released three weeks later.
- The day after their release they gave a press conference in Johannesburg, confirming the account of the mutiny published on this page.
This regimen of terror, extending beyond the gates of the ANC/SACP `Buchenwald' of Quadro, was a necessary element in the total practice of repression and deception which made the Anti-Apartheid Movement the most successful Popular Front lobby for Stalinism anywhere in the world.
- No international Stalinist-run public organization has ever had such an influence and shown such stability, reaching into so many major countries, for so long
- Vital to its success has been a practice of open and covert censorship The ANC's prisoners were its necessary sacrificial-victims.
The KGB in Africa
The prison system to which they were subject goes back to the late 1960s. It was the successor and the complement to the prison system on which blacks in South Africa are weaned with their mothers' milk.
- In 1969 one of the editors of this journal met two South Africans in London who said they had fought in the first MK guerrilla operation in mid-1967 - a disastrous fiasco across the Zambezi River into the Wankie area of Rhodesia, along with guerrillas from the Zimbabwe African People's Union (ZAPU), then led by James Chikerema.
- (The ZAPU president, Joshua Nkomo, was in detention).
- The two men described how they had eventually succeeded in escaping from Rhodesia, and how their criticism of the operation had led to their imprisonment in an ANC camp in Tanzania.
- An article on the theme appeared the same year in the British radical newspaper Black Dwarf then edited by Tariq Ali.
The revelations by the Nairobi five indicate how little has changed. In his book on black politics in South Africa since 1945, Tom Lodge, (Black politics in South Africa Since 1945, Ravan, 1987), writes:
In 1968 a batch of Umkhonto defectors from camps in Tanzania sought asylum in Kenya, alleging that there was widespread dissatisfaction within the camps. They accused their commanders of extravagant living and ethnic favouritism. The first Rhodesian mission, they alleged, was a suicide mission to eliminate dissenters. In political discussions no challenge to a pro-Soviet position was allowed (p300).
- From 1968 to 1990, nothing basic altered in the ANC's internal regime in the camps, except that in the high noon of the Brezhnev era it operated para-statal powers under civil war conditions in Angola, where a large Cuban and Soviet presence permitted the ANC security apparatus to 'bestride the narrow world like a Colossus.'
From the account of the ex-mutineers, ANC administrative bodies ruled over its elected bodies, the security department ruled over the administrative organs, and KGB-trained officials - no doubt members of the SACP - ruled over the security apparatus.
- Umkhonto we Sizwe functioned as an extension in Africa of the KGB.
- Its role in the civil war in Angola was to serve primarily as a surrogate to Soviet foreign policy interests, so that when the ANC rebels proposed that their fight be diverted to South Africa this counted as unpardonable cheek, to be ruthlessly punished.
- Over its own members, the ANC security apparatus ruled with all the arrogance of a totalitarian power.
There is a direct line of connection between the ANC reign of terror in its prisons - which a UN High Commission for Refugees official described as more frightening than Swapo prisons - and the 'necklace' killings exercised by ANC supporters within South Africa, especially during the period of the 1984-86 township revolt, but now once again revived against oppositional groupings such as Azapo.
- (The ANC's' necklace' politics was also a definite contributory element provoking the carnage in Natal). Two former ANC prisoners, Similo Boltina and his wife Nosisana, were in fact necklaced on their return to South Africa in 1986, after having been repatriated by the Red Cross (letter from Bandile Ketelo, 9 April 1990).
- When leaders of the Mass Democratic Movement publicly expressed their 'outrage’ at Winnic Mandela's 'obvious complicity’ in the abduction and assault on 14 year-old Stompie Mocketsi Seipe, leading to his murder, this was in response to very widespread and very well-founded revulsion among Soweto residents - especially ANC supporters such as members of the Federation of Transvaal Women (Fetraw).
- They were enraged by the jackboot politics of the so-called Mandela United Football Team, whose 'coach` - to the satisfaction of Fetraw members - has been convicted of Stompie's murder.
- This squad of thugs, based in Mrs Mandela’s house, acted within Soweto in the same way that the ANC/SACP security acted abroad, in Angola, Tanzania, Zambia, Mozambique, Ethiopia and Uganda.
The welcome of Captain Dirk Coetzee, head of the regime's assassination squad, into the arms of the ANC is an indication of the future course of development, as is the decision by the new Swapo government in Namibia to appoint a number of top South African security policemen, including the former chief of police in the Ovambo region, Derek Brune, to head its secret organs of coercion.
The South African prison system was replicated in the ANC prisons even into everyday terminology, above all at Quadro. This is a name that requires to become common currency in political discourse: it is the Portuguese for `No.4' the name used throughout South Africa for the notorious black section of the prison at the Fort.
Sneers by warders at soft conditions in 'Five Star Hotels', the common description of punishment cells as 'kulukudu' and the whole atmosphere of brutal crassness is quintessentially South African, spiced with the added sadism of the Gulag. The ANC prison system combined the worst of South African and of Russian conditions fused together, and it is this new social type - as a refinement and augmentation of each - that is now offered to the people of South Africa as the symbol of freedom.
Read the entire terrifying tale here:
READ one of the original ANC reports on:
KwaMashu, still my home"-- Hate-speech movie against Asians and Whites features ANC-leader Zuma:
April 7 2008 - By Adriana Stuijt. The following You-Tube film extract is from an upcoming documentary KWA MASHU: STILL MY HOME, directed by the African-American anti-slavery filmmaker Owen 'Alik Shahadah.
It was produced by the South African business K-CAP and UK business Halaqah Films together with the African Holocaust Society.
Owen 'Alik Shahadah, who refers to South Africa as "Azania", is actively engaged in spreading hate-speech among blacks with his films, targetting Asians and whites in South Africa, grotesquely even claiming that "South Africa is under majority-European and Asian control'...
He writes:
"South Africa is under majority-European and Asian control... across the board there is always a white face holding senior rank, might it be Zulu lodges, private game reserves, tour operators, hoteliers, all exclusively non-African. And to add to this the Africans employed do not hold any managerial positions...
"On any given day in Durban it is possible to see large exclusive congregation of Asians around central social business spots like restaurants. A brief tour of Durban shows a stark monopoly of supermarket ownership, restaurants, practically everything that is worth owning. Even the small one-man street vendor trades are dominated by them. And now with the “death” of Apartheid the European and Asian business are venturing into the townships, the heart of the African community, and setting-up large business...
He is an avid supporter of Jacob Zuma, new leader of the African National Congress ruling party, and who is widely seen as the future new president of S.Africa.
March 16 2008 - The black residents association of this state-owned apartment building in Mafikeng who posted this sign still insist that 'they aren't racists - they just don't want any whites to buy into the building...'
Read the entire sad tale here:
Senior ANC MP makes death-threat gesture to white MP
The woman in this picture is the ruling ANC party's parliamentarian Winkie Direko, caught in the act of making an offensive death-threat gesture to the Democratic Alliance MP Dianne Kohler-Barnard in the SA parliament. Winkie is the former premier of the Free State. The parliament was in session at the time.
March 5 2008 - CAPE TOWN. The Democratic Alliance opposition party has laid a charge against Winkie Direko, the former premier of the Free State, after the ANC-MP made an very offensive death-threat gesture at DA MP Dianne Kohler-Barnard during a sitting of parliament.
Direko drew her finger across her throat (see pictures above) when Kohler Barnard was asking questions of Safety & Security minister Charles Nkakula relating to the dissolution of the Scorpions police unit.
Ian Davidson of the DA commented that Direko’s shocking gesture served to heighten racial tension and promoted hatred and anti-White violence which was already wide-spread in South Africa.